This tutorial will save you a few hours of watching unabridged tutorials elsewhere. Designed for artists already familiar with Adobe Animate / Flash or other professional 2D animation software. Click here to see all tutorials.
Made with Toon Boom Harmony Advanced 15.0
The “Basic” and “Premium” versions of Toon Boom may look slightly different. Basic will have less features. Premium will have more.
Why is my art pixellated? How to fix blurry lines.
Why is render preview black?
Render Preview vs Open GL Preview
Color Cards
Drawing Tools: Cutter, Close Gap, Stroke, Animate Button, Transform, Pencil
Color Palette
Line Art, Color Art, Underlay, Overlay Layers
Camera View vs Drawing View
Frame By Frame Animation
Linked Drawings
Puppet / Tween / Peg Animation
Effects, Masks, Cutter
Exporting MOV, PNG, SWF