Masquerada #81


Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

Game Review

Recommended for no-nonsense RPG players.

The more I play the game the more I like it. It’s very story-heavy, yet the plot moves fast. At any given time something interesting is happening. However, it isn’t a branching story type game, so you don’t make any choices that impact the story, dialogue, or character relationships.

The voice acting is great.
The characters are all individual people with dramatic depth.
You never have to deal with money, or equipment, or inventory, and you never have to search defeated foes for items, and there is never any grinding. Ever.

It’s not a great game for wandering or exploring, so if you like to poke around for collectibles or wander the map or do sidequests, this isn’t your type of RPG.

I’d describe it as an all-beef (or all-tofu) RPG.

Fan Art

Sarah A
Technologic Cat